The resources linked here will help you through your training, certification and volunteer experience. Click to expand and learn more. For questions, please contact taxhelpco@unitedwaydenver.org.



    • Publication 4012 – Your go-to guide for training and certification, the 4012 contains helpful instructions for preparing accurate tax returns. Tax-certified volunteers should become familiar with the 4012 throughout training.


    • Track It Forward– Register for virtual open labs, sign up for volunteer shifts, and log your hours.


    • Link & Learn – Volunteers must certify each year by taking the exam(s) on Link & Learn. Professionals who volunteer can also access CE credits through their L&L profile.


    • TaxSlayer Practice Lab – Prepare returns for the certification exams through a practice version of TaxSlayer. Initial password is: TRAINPROWEB.


    • IRS Certification Exams (Publication 6744)– Volunteers are required to pass certain IRS certification exams based on their desired role. Find the electronic test booklet here. Physical copies are available upon request.


    • Publication 4491 – The IRS’s VITA training guide provides additional information and context to the Tax Help Colorado Volunteer Training Guide.




    • ACA Income Exemption Tool – Use this tool to determine if taxpayers qualify for an income-related exemption from paying the health coverage penalty (available for years 2016-18)


    • Rideshare Resources – Useful information for rideshare drivers when figuring their income, deductions, quarterly payments, etc.



Training videos and resources will be posted starting in December 2024. Use the following tracks for the training, readings and exams required for your desired volunteer role. If you are interested in learning more about receiving continuing education (CE) credits for your volunteer service, please see Publication 5362. Continuing education credits require advanced certification. 

For Intake Specialist, Tax Preparer and Quality Reviewer volunteer roles:

1. Watch the orientation and welcome video here.

2. Sign up for in-person training at Mile High United Way using Track It Forward. If you selected the virtual training option, simply watch the videos linked below.

We will be hosting two in-person training series this year, please select the option the works best for your schedule.

Option One:

Option Two:

3. Take the certification exams required for your desired role(s)

4. Sign up to volunteer at Tax Help Colorado sites!

For Intake Specialist, Tax Preparer and Quality Reviewer volunteer roles:

1. Complete the volunteer training sequence for returning volunteers. All modules will include both reading and video material. Total training time of 6-10 hours depending on experience.

2. Watch Orientation and Welcome Video – Orientation and Welcome Video

3. Take the certification exams required for your desired role(s)

4. Sign up to volunteer at Tax Help Colorado sites!

For Interpreter, Virtual Client Liaison and Drop-Off Assistant volunteer roles

1. Complete the non–tax-certified training sequence:

2. Take the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Exam

3. Take the Intake/Interview & Quality Review Exam

4. Sign up to volunteer at Tax Help Colorado sites!


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